Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure
This section of the Palmdale General Plan outlines the goals and policies related to public facilities, services, and infrastructure in Palmdale. Information on park facilities in the city can be found in the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space chapter.
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Chapter Highlights
Enhanced Infrastructure Funding District. An EIFD leverages local property taxes to issue bonds to fund infrastructure projects (e.g., streets, utilities, sidewalks, pedestrian safety enhancements) or affordable housing. The City has recently established an EIFD to help accelerate the production of quality jobs and accessible housing.
Educational Opportunities. Successful schools are the backbone of any strong community. In addition to three K-12 districts, Palmdale offers a variety of technical and higher education opportunities, and several two-year institutions. The City will continue working to attract a four-year college.
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Goals and Policies
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Public Facilities and Schools
PFSI-1.1 Community Facilities Master Plan. Prepare a citywide master plan for community facilities that addresses existing and future facilities and equitable access. Include evaluation of existing facilities, need for new or expanded facilities and potential locations, and a funding plan.
PFSI-1.2 Accessibility. Promote accessibility for all residents within City facilities by meeting ADA guidelines and expanding language resources when feasible.
PFSI-1.3 Expand Public Facilities. Expand public facilities, recreation, and library facilities to underserved areas as needed, including the areas west of SR-14.
PFSI-1.4 Access to Library Services. Consider expanding library services to include branch locations in Village Centers (including retail centers), Education Districts, near public parks, and other similar settings to provide access to residents across Palmdale.
PFSI-1.5 Pursue Funding. Pursue federal and state funding sources to utilize in the expansion and enhancement of local public facilities, especially in underserved areas.
PFSI-1.6 Rehabilitate Facilities. Rehabilitate City-owned public facilities using the most innovative technologies and best practices available to ensure long term efficacy.
PFSI-1.7 City Facility Efficiency. Install energy efficient lighting and promote energy conservation practices in all city-owned facilities.
PFSI-1.8 Public Facilities Adequacy. Assess deficiencies in public facilities and address identified issues when feasible.
PFSI-1.9 Higher Education Facilities. Attract, encourage, and support the development of higher education facilities, trade and vocational training in areas within the Education District land use designation.
PFSI-1.10 Private Educational Facilities. In order to encourage development of educational facilities, permit development of private educational facilities that are found to meet the general educational needs of the community within residentially designated districts.
PFSI-2.1 Response Times. Maintain existing or superior average response times for fire and police services as the City’s population expands.
PFSI-2.2 Fire Protection. Coordinate with and assist the Los Angeles County Fire Department in planning for future fire station sites in Palmdale and facilitate location and construction of fire stations in conjunction with other City facilities (such as parks or municipal buildings) where feasible.
PFSI-2.3 Service Level Expansion. Regularly assess the need for service level expansion for fire and police services as the City’s population expands.
PFSI-2.4 County Sheriff Coordination. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to ensure that service availability, resources, and staffing are appropriate for the community need.
PFSI-2.5 County Fire Coordination. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Fire Department to ensure that service availability, resources, and staffing are appropriate for the community need.
PFSI-2.6 Community Policing. Strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community by developing programs and initiatives focused on community policing.

Waste and Wastewater
PFSI-3.1 Water Supply and Delivery. Support water suppliers and other jurisdictions within the Antelope Valley in studying status and projected needs for water supply and delivery.
PFSI-3.2 Local Drainage Detection Basins. Make use of interim local drainage detention basins to slow stormwater runoff until such time as permanent drainage facilities are constructed.
PFSI-3.3 Retention Facilities. Where feasible, plan for detention or retention facilities in areas where groundwater recharge can be accomplished.
PFSI-3.4 Drainage Facilities. Through the development review process, reserve land in appropriate locations for construction of drainage facilities.
PFSI-3.5 Sanitation District Collaboration and Water Purveyors. Work with the Sanitation District and Water Purveyors to identify users for reclaimed water and support plans for its treatment and distribution.
PFSI-3.6 Code Compliance. All private sewage disposal systems must comply with the requirements of the City of Palmdale Plumbing Code, the Los Angeles County Health Department, and Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and any Memorandum of Understanding between these agencies concerning private sewage disposal systems.
PFSI-3.7 Public Sewer System Prioritization. Require that all commercial, industrial, institutional, and multiple family uses be connected to a public sewer system with only limited use of private sewage disposal systems.
PFSI-3.8 Public Sewer System Utilization Requirement. Require that all single-family residential uses with lot sizes of less than one acre be connected to a public sewer system.
PFSI-3.9 Renewable Energy Project Disposal Systems. Allow the use of private sewage disposal systems on nonresidential renewable energy projects with domestic discharge only on property with an IND (Industrial) General Plan Land Use designation located between Avenue L and M between 50th Street East and 120th Street East, and on property with an IND (Industrial) General Plan Land Use designation on property located south of Avenue M, north of Avenue P-8, between 90th Street East and 120th Street East. The maximum daily estimated discharge shall not exceed 500 gallons/acre/day wastewater flow with a maximum discharge of 5,000 gallons per day.
PFSI-3.10 Mining and Construction Disposal Systems. Allow the use of private sewage disposal systems on nonresidential industrial aggregate mining and construction aggregate related uses with domestic discharge only within the MRE (Mineral Resource Extraction) General Plan Land Use designations. The maximum daily estimated discharge shall not exceed 500 gallons/acre/day wastewater flow with a total maximum of 5,000 gallons per day.
PFSI-3.11 New Development Fees. Require new development to pay necessary fees for expansion and ongoing maintenance of the sewage disposal system to the appropriate agencies, to handle the increased load, which it will generate.
PFSI-3.12 Water and Wastewater BMPs. Utilize best management practices (BMPs) in the purveyance of water resources and management of wastewater.
PFSI-3.13 Low Impact Development. Require new development to minimize storm water runoff and pollutant exposure by incorporating low impact development (LID) measures and appropriate best management practices (BMPs) consistent with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
PFSI-3.14 Water and Wastewater Provision. Ensure the provisions of adequate water and wastewater services to all new development.
PFSI-3.15 Diversify Water Supplies. Coordinate with water purveyors to facilitate the commitment to diversifying the region’s water supply through water banking projects and expanded recycled water projects.
PFSI-3.16 Service Levels. Provide sufficient levels of water, sewer, and storm drain services throughout the City.
PFSI-3.17 Adequate Systems. Identify and correct issues within the City’s sewer and storm drain systems to prevent system failures.
PFSI-3.18 Water Conservation. Support and promote water conservation across all facets of City water infrastructure.
PFSI-4.1 Infill Development. Direct growth toward areas which already have backbone infrastructure available by providing incentives for infill development.
PFSI-4.2 Utilize Existing Infrastructure. Encourage development, which fully utilizes existing infrastructure systems, while decreasing the need for costly extensions of infrastructure into undeveloped areas.
PFSI-4.3 Infrastructure Evaluation. Evaluate infrastructure facilities and service levels within developed areas, which annex to the City, and promote programs to retrofit street, drainage and sewer improvements where warranted.
PFSI-4.4 Cluster Development. Encourage clustering of development where appropriate, to maximize use of infrastructure.
PFSI-4.5 Planning Documents. Require comprehensive planning documents such as area plans, specific plans, and development agreements, to specify the nature, timing and financing of both capital improvements and ongoing operations/maintenance of public improvements and services.
PFSI-4.6 Mixed Use Development. Encourage mixed use development to maximize use of existing infrastructure systems.
PFSI-4.7 EIFD. Utilize Palmdale’s Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District to issue bonds to fund infrastructure projects (e.g., streets, utilities, sidewalks, pedestrian safety enhancements) or affordable housing.

PFSI-5.1 Development Priorities. Prioritize development in areas that have existing horizontal infrastructure (roads, sewer, water, drainage, etc.).
PFSI-5.2 On-site Infrastructure. Require all new development, including major modifications to existing development, to construct required on-site infrastructure improvements pursuant to City standards.
PFSI-5.3 Off-Site Fair Share Contribution. Require all new development, including major modifications to existing development, to construct or provide a fair share contribution toward construction of required off-site improvements needed to support the project. This includes a fair share contribution toward development of regional master facility plans for roads, sewer, water, drainage, schools, libraries, parks, fire, and other community facilities, prior to granting approval of development applications.
PFSI-5.4 Funding for Maintenance. Ensure there is a funding plan in place for the ongoing maintenance of these off-site facilities.
PFSI-5.5 Improvements Prior to Occupancy. Require that on- and off-site improvements are constructed prior to occupancy of a new development project, or phase thereof, unless otherwise approved by the City.
PFSI-5.6 Land Use Changes. When reviewing applications for land use designation changes (i.e., zone change, General Plan Amendment, specific plan amendment), conduct a thorough analysis of the impacts of the proposed change on all elements of the City’s infrastructure systems, and require mitigation as deemed appropriate.
PFSI-5.7 Adjacent Development Integration. Require that individual development projects integrate with adjacent development with respect to backbone infrastructure (streets, sewer, water, and drainage). If adjacent property is undeveloped, a conceptual plan should be prepared to show that the pending development will allow for future integration and development of adjacent properties in a manner which is reasonable from a design, construction, and cost standpoint.
PFSI-6.1 Infrastructure Equity. Distribute the costs of extending infrastructure equitably among those benefiting from the improvements.
PFSI-6.2 Waste Ordinance Review. Regularly review the City’s ordinances related to recycling and solid waste to reflect updated best management practices and technological innovation.
PFSI-6.3 New Utility Development. When feasible, require new utility lines to be constructed underground and along existing utility corridors.
PFSI-6.4 Utility Construction Cost Minimization. Coordinate installation of utility line placement with street construction to minimize cost, where possible.
PFSI-6.5 Utility Provision. Coordinate with electricity, gas, and waste providers to ensure adequacy of services for future and current needs.
PFSI-6.6 Prioritize Connections. Work with providers to prioritize connections near existing development in the core of the city.
PFSI-6.7 Utility Safety. When feasible, require new utility lines to be constructed away from fault lines, flood zones, fire zones, and other vulnerable areas.
PFSI-6.8 Utility Easements. Through the development review process, protect existing utility easements and require dedication of additional easements where needed.
PFSI-6.9 Telecommunication Retrofitting. Work with telecommunication providers to retrofit underserved areas with necessary telecommunication facilities and utilities.
PFSI-6.10 Capital Improvement Plans. Adopt and annually update the City’s Capital Improvement Program to prioritize funding for public works projects in accordance with the General Plan.
PFSI-6.11 City-Initiated Planning. Inform adjacent cities, town councils and county agencies of City-initiated planning and public works projects which may impact infrastructure systems and consider input and recommendations from these entities in the land use decision process.
PFSI-6.12 Area-Wide Improvements. Participate in regional efforts to gain State or Federal funding for area-wide improvements.
City of Palmdale
- Palmdale City Hall
- Palmdale City Library
- Palmdale Playhouse
- Palmdale Parks and Recreation
- Palmdale South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES)
County of Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County Animal Care Center
- Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services
- Los Angeles County Housing Authority
- Los Angeles County Public Works
- Palmdale GAIN Office*
*The GAIN (Greater Avenues for Independence) program is provided by the Department of Public Social Services, for Los Angeles County.
Antelope Valley Union High School District
- Highland High School
- Knight High School (William J. “Pete” Knight High School) and Academy Prep Junior High School Knight Campus
- Palmdale High School
- R. Rex Parris Alternative High School
- Palmdale Prep Academy Junior High School/SOAR
Palmdale School District
- Barrel Springs Elementary
- Buena Vista Elementary
- Cactus Intermediate
- Chaparral Elementary
- Cimarron Elementary
- David G. Millen Intermediate
- Desert Rose Elementary
- Desert Willow Intermediate
- Dos Caminos Elementary
- Golden Poppy Elementary
- Innovations Academy of Palmdale
- Joshua Hills Elementary
- Los Amigos Elementary
- Manzanita Elementary
- Mesquite Elementary
- Oak Tree Community Day
- Oak Tree Learning Center
- Ocotillo Elementary
- Palm Tree Elementary
- Palmdale Discovery Center
- Palmdale Learning Plaza
- Quail Valley Elementary
- Sage Space and Aeronautics Gateway to Exploration Magnet Academy
- Shadow Hills Intermediate
- Summerwind Elementary
- Tamarisk Elementary
- Tumbleweed Elementary
- Yellen Learning Center
- Yucca Elementary
Westside Union School District
- Anaverde Hills Elementary
- The IDEA Academy at Cottonwoood
- Gregg Anderson Academy Elementary
- Hillview Intermediate
- Rancho Vista Elementary
Private and Other Schools
- Antelope Valley Learning Academy
- Antelope Valley Youthbuild
- Berean Fellowship Christian School
- Empowered Church International/Empowered Learning Academy
- The Palmdale Aerospace Academy
- Saint Mary School
- Shepherd Christian School
- Westside Christian
Higher Education
Desired Targets and Outcomes
OUTCOME: Protection of Palmdale’s residents, workers, and visitors from fire hazards.
- Fire service response times.
- Fire Station proximity to developed areas.
- Maintain Los Angeles County Fire Protection District’s response time goal of 4-6 minutes.
- Maintain a 2-mile proximity of fire stations to all existing and newly developed areas.
OUTCOME: Protection of persons and property from criminal activity.
- Police service response times.
- Crime rate.
- Maintain police emergency response time under 6 minutes.
- Rates of violent and non-violent crime below State averages.
OUTCOME: Reduce reliance on imported water from the State Water Project.
- Recycled water use.
- Construct and maintain infrastructure needed to store and distribute recycled water as appropriate.
OUTCOME: Maintenance of a consistent level of wastewater treatment service to meet existing and new development demands.
- Adequate wastewater treatment capacity.
- Adequate sewer line capacity.
- Upgrade treatment capabilities at facilities once utilization of the current capacity reaches 85%.
- Address sewer line inadequacies as outlined in the City’s Capital Improvement Program.
OUTCOME: Protection of Palmdale’s residents, workers, and visitors from fire hazards.
- Fire service response times.
- Fire Station proximity to developed areas.
- Maintain Los Angeles County Fire Protection District’s response time goal of 4-6 minutes.
- Maintain a 2-mile proximity of fire stations to all existing and newly developed areas.
OUTCOME: Protection of persons and property from criminal activity.
- Police service response times.
- Crime rate.
- Maintain police emergency response time under 6 minutes.
- Rates of violent and non-violent crime below State averages.
OUTCOME: Reduce reliance on imported water from the State Water Project.
- Recycled water use.
- Construct and maintain infrastructure needed to store and distribute recycled water as appropriate.
OUTCOME: Maintenance of a consistent level of wastewater treatment service to meet existing and new development demands.
- Adequate wastewater treatment capacity.
- Adequate sewer line capacity.
- Upgrade treatment capabilities at facilities once utilization of the current capacity reaches 85%.
- Address sewer line inadequacies as outlined in the City’s Capital Improvement Program.