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The Plan

Vision and Guiding Principles

  • Respect and promote diversity within Palmdale
  • Promote Palmdale’s positive reputation in the region
  • Boost community beautification
  • Offer opportunities for youth to stay in Palmdale – jobs, housing, education
  • Enhance partnerships with surrounding communities in the Antelope Valley
  • Create a vibrant and active downtown environment
  • Improve the appearance of Palmdale Boulevard
  • Encourage and foster local businesses
  • Provide space for community gathering and events
  • Increase opportunities for entertainment and/or shopping
  • Address displacement issues
  • Provide job training for Palmdale residents in key industries
  • Connect residents with job opportunities in aerospace and other emerging sectors
  • Encourage telecommuting within Palmdale
  • Promote diverse entry-level and mid-level jobs in Palmdale
  • Retain and support aerospace industry presence in Palmdale
  • Leverage economic opportunities from an expanded transportation center and potential passenger air service at Palmdale Regional Airport
  • Attract new sustainable employers and industries to Palmdale
  • Maintain and enhance smart city technology in Palmdale to support local businesses and telecommuting
  • Support local small businesses
  • Improve neighborhood safety
  • Address crime and safety concerns
  • Improve access to parks and open space
  • Support local foster youth and those experiencing homelessness
  • Foster active living with improvements to the pedestrian environment
  • Prioritize walking, biking, and access to local and regional transit
  • Promote living and working in Palmdale and reducing commute times
  • Improve access to and promote quality healthcare services and facilities in Palmdale
  • Attract physicians to Palmdale
  • Maintain Palmdale Regional Hospital and encourage continued expansion of services and facilities
  • Create and preserve affordable housing for residents of Palmdale
  • Increase supply and diversity of housing to support different types of households including seniors, young adults, families, empty nesters, individuals or families with special needs, and multigenerational families
  • Maintain the City’s quiet and safe neighborhoods
  • Maintain rural and semi-rural neighborhoods in Palmdale
  • Connect new development to public transit and open space or public parks
  • Promote and expand higher educational opportunities in Palmdale
  • Develop additional trade school training and apprentice programs
  • Promote opportunities for high-quality childcare and early education
  • Expand partnerships and programs with public schools, local government, and major employers within Palmdale
  • Maintain safe and convenient access to open space and trails
  • Improve connectivity, beautify trails, and open space
  • Expand and improve public parks to meet the needs of current and future residents
  • Preserve existing mountain views
  • Preserve access to a dark night sky
  • Maintain high air quality
  • Leverage transportation investments in Palmdale
  • Build on High-Speed Rail opportunities
  • Bring air service to Palmdale Regional Airport
  • Improve local transit
  • Establish metrics for tracking General Plan implementation
  • Regular review and update of General Plan goals and policies

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History & Profile

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Process & Community Engagement

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Plan Overview

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Plan Chapters

Plan chapters, also referred to by their technical name, “elements” are chapters within the general plan that cover a set of state mandated and voluntary topics that will shape the future of the City of Palmdale. Explore the plan elements through the links below.

Air Quality

OUTCOME: Improved air quality for all residents.


  • Improved air quality with increased landscaping and trees.


  • Expanded tree canopy, especially in disadvantaged communities.



  • Reduced exposure to toxic air pollution from industrial facilities.


  • Increase in the percentage of housing units, especially in disadvantaged communities, with air pollution reduction features and other measures that eliminate pollutants.
  • Reduce smoking in public outdoor places in accordance with Ordinance No. 1580 and/or Ordinance No. 1571.
Health & Quality of Life

OUTCOME: Improved health and quality of life, and lower rates of chronic diseases, among all residents.


  • Greater opportunities for physical activity.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance from a dedicated public park, school, or multi-use trail.



  • Improved access to healthy food.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance of a grocery store, farmers market, community garden, or other healthy food retailer.

OUTCOME: Diverse housing options including mixed-use and affordable options, for existing and future residents.


  • Diversified housing stock in Palmdale.


  • Substantial increase in new multifamily housing units by 2045, 20% of which are affordable to families earning less than 80% of the area median income.
Equitable Economy

OUTCOME: An equitable local economy that provides career pathways and economic opportunities for existing residents, especially local youth.


  • Expanded economic opportunities for existing residents.


  • Increase in the number of youths who participate in job training programs and are connected to employment opportunities in local industries.
Vision Themes and Guiding Principles

Described below are values and direction for Palmdale 2045, set forth by the Palmdale community that chart a course for the future of the City. Vision themes paint a picture of what Palmdale will look like in the future, serving as a foundation for policies and implementation actions. While guiding principles provide further details on a vision theme and serve as a framework for future decision making. Together, the vision themes and guiding principles establish the basis for each element of Palmdale 2045, reflecting the unique needs and priorities for Palmdale residents. Through an extensive community engagement process, the vision themes and guiding principles were vetted by the community; initially prepared with input from the Palmdale General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), community members, and later confirmed by the Planning Commission and City Council.