Health and Wellness
The Vision theme, Safe and Healthy Place to Live and Work, and accompanying guiding principles are implemented through the following goals and policies across various elements of the general plan. They were selected as they contain attributes related to improving neighborhood safety, fostering active living, improving the pedestrian environment, prioritize active transit, and promote living and working in Palmdale.
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Selected Goals and Policies
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Circulation and Mobility (CM)
CM-1.1 Roadway design. Design and maintain the public right-of-way through a complete streets approach that facilitates safe, comfortable, and efficient travel for all roadway users.
CM-1.2 Modal conflicts. Use a systemic safety approach to proactively identify opportunities to improve safety where conflicts between users exist.
CM-1.3 Network gaps. Identify and program mitigation measures for gaps and deficiencies in the transportation system to accommodate each major transportation mode.
CM-1.4 Speed management. Include speed reducing elements along local and connector roadways and within all new private development projects.
CM-1.5 Railroad crossings. Implement grade separation at railroad crossings where feasible.
CM-4.1 Access to essential services. Prioritize investments that improve access to healthcare and social services.
CM-4.2 Access to healthy foods. Improve mobility in neighborhoods with limited access to healthy food sources.
CM-4.3 Access to parks and open space. Prioritize investments that expand access to Palmdale’s parks and trails and support physical activity.
CM-4.4 Neighborhood streets. Create neighborhood streets that unify neighborhoods, reduce vehicle speeds, reduce barriers for people walking, biking, and riding transit, and provide connectivity to connector and regional routes.
CM-4.5 Active friendly design. Design multimodal facilities to a standard that will increase physical activity.
CM-4.6 Lighting. Provide human scale lighting along pedestrian thoroughfares, in commercial districts, on trails, and at transit stops.

Military Compatibility (MC)
MC-3.1 Noise and overflight compliance. Ensure that all new land use proposals comply with the noise and overflight policies of the most recent AICUZ for Plant 42.
MC-3.2 Restrict new residential in APZs. Prohibit new residential zoning and new schools in the APZs.
MC-3.3 Restrict residential in high noise areas. Prohibit the redesignation of residential land within the 65-DBL noise contour and the overflight area to increased residential densities.
MC-3.4 Home occupant notification. Require homebuyer/renter notification or disclosure of aircraft noise for all new residential development located in an APZ, or east of Division Street and south of Technology Drive and north of Avenue Q and west of Sierra Highway.
MC-3.5 Noise reduction measures. New development within the 65 DBL noise contour area must adhere to the recommended noise level reductions incorporated into the design and construction.
MC-3.6 Avoid Noise Sensitive Uses. Discourage new noise sensitive development, such as places of worship, residential development, schools, and other similar uses, clustered adjacent to a noise zone.
MC-3.7 Noise Considerations Through Land Use Action. Through conditions of approval, require that any owner of developed or undeveloped property within the 65 CNEL noise contour that is seeking a land use action from the City, provide an aviation easement to the Los Angeles World Airports, the U.S. Air Force, and the City.
MC-3.8 Non-noise Sensitive Land Uses. Designate and permit land uses within the 65 CNEL contour that are primarily industrial, business park, commercial and recreational uses that are not noise sensitive; permit other uses only when it is found that no adverse noise impacts will result.
MC-5.1 Height and Obstruction Ordinance Compliance. Ensure that City height and obstruction ordinances reflect current Air Force and FAA Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 requirements related to the RAIMORA zone covering the Restricted Airspace R2508 and the Nevada Test and Training Range and the Military Training Route.
MC-5.2 Notification for MTR Obstructions. For any proposed uses that could penetrate the MTR, provide notification to those responsible for Plant 42 military operations.
MC-5.3 New Construction Height Compliance. Ensure all new development within the City is constructed in accordance with FAR Part 77 that is concerned with any construction or alteration more than 150 feet above ground level, or as defined in the AICUZ.
MC-5.4 Tall Structure Review. Provide for special review recommendation on tall structures in the RAIMORA or MTR.
MC-6.1 Plant 42 Disaster Preparation. Prepare residents in case of an industrial accident or release of hazardous materials at Plant 42; distribute instructions/information to the public on actions to take if an incident occurs.
MC-6.2 Plant 42 Public Education. Participate in Plant 42 public education programs regarding missions and impacts associated with military aviation operations to increase public awareness.
MC-6.3 Military Liaison. Designate a military liaison function within the City to exchange information between the City and Plant 42 on issues of mutual concern including, but not limited to:
- Early notification of development projects near Plant 42,
- Early notification to the City of potential changes in aircraft operations (flight patterns, operational tempo, etc.),
- Housing, recreation, and other issues related to Plant 42 personnel living in the City,
- Track legislative impacts to the area.
MC-7.1 Project Coordination with Plant 42. Notify and coordinate with Plant 42 on major capital improvement projects or infrastructure expansion plans within the MIA that may impact Plant 42 operations.
MC-7.2 Grant Coordination with Plant 42. Collaborate with Plant 42 to pursue grant funding for things like infrastructure that will collectively serve the needs of Plant 42 and the community.
MC-7.3 Coordination Airport Plans with Plant 42. Notify and coordinate with USAF Plant 42 on City-initiated improvements or expansion plans related to the development of passenger air service at the Palmdale Regional Airport (PMD).
MC-7.4 Affordable and Workforce Housing. Promote the availability and development of affordable and workforce housing in the City to meet the needs of military personnel and their dependents.
MC-7.5 Coordination with Plant 42. Review and respond to any proposals from the USAF or other military contractors in Plant 42 involving any intensification of operations, changes in flight patterns, and relocation or extension of runaways that would potentially create safety or noise impacts for Palmdale residents.
MC 7.6 Interagency Land Use Coordination. Work with the County of Los Angeles, City of Lancaster and the military installations as needed to address any issues related to land use compatibility, safety, and operations.

Equitable and Healthy Communities (EHC)
EHC-1.1 Equitable investments. Prioritize public infrastructure and facilities investments and develop incentives to promote private development investment in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-1.2 Community benefits agreements. Develop a community benefits agreement for major private development projects, which may include affordable housing, job training funds, housing assistance, payment of parks and recreation fees or installation of amenities onsite and/or local hiring.
EHC-1.3 Equity impact assessments. Regularly evaluate the impact of public infrastructure, facilities, and program investments, such as through equity impact assessments, to ensure equitable distribution of public resources across Palmdale.
EHC-1.4 Small business development. Foster small business development with educational resources (e.g., funding sources, mentorship programs, etc.), permitting information, and services that can promote long term success in the city.
EHC-1.5 Small business funding. Consider establishing funding for small business grants that prioritize low-income, women-owned, minority-owned, and/or LGBTQ-owned small businesses.
EHC-1.6 Career pathways. Work with interested organizations and residents to create a youth job development partnership – connecting local businesses to youth for after school and summer work, volunteer positions, mentorship opportunities, and other skills development opportunities.
EHC-1.7 Services coordination. Actively encourage the provision of public and private employment training, rental assistance, financial training, and other supportive services in multiple languages to enable households to be self-sufficient.
EHC-1.8 Internet Access. Offer free high-speed Wi-Fi inside and outside of all City-owned facilities, especially in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-1.9 Bridging the digital divide. Ensure all homes and businesses in the city have access to a fiber optic internet connection.
EHC-4.1 Health and wellness districts. Create three health and wellness districts in locations that are well-served by transit:
- Around the Palmdale Regional Medical Center (Palmdale Boulevard and 10th Street West)
- Along Palmdale Boulevard and 40th/45th Streets East
- Adjacent to Kaiser Permanente (East Avenue S and 45th Street East)
EHC-4.2 Health and wellness uses. Allow and encourage a mix of public and private medical, health, and wellness uses including emergency medical facilities, medical and supportive retail, offices, healthcare clinics and pharmacies in the Health and Wellness land use designation.
EHC-4.3 Access to primary care. Encourage programs and practices that aim to increase access to primary healthcare, especially for low-income residents. Support partnerships with local health service providers, Los Angeles County Public Health Department, schools, and other community-based organizations to promote health, wellness, and preventative care.
EHC-4.4 Transit access to healthcare. Work with local transit agencies to ensure that bus routes provide transit service to health service facilities, especially from disadvantaged communities.
EHC-4.5 Subsidized medical transportation. Partner with local health systems and service providers to support Medicare and Medi-Cal recipients in accessing existing reimbursement programs for non-emergency medical transportation.
EHC-4.6 Health data monitoring. Collaborate with the County of Los Angeles to track health data and ensure the City has necessary health-related data to guide decision-making.
EHC-4.7 Community Health Profile. Partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to provide regular updates to Palmdale’s Community Health Profile, as needed.
EHC-4.8 Affordable healthcare options. Partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and other regional partners to provide residents with information on affordable and accessible healthcare services.
EHC-5.1 Access to mental healthcare. Collaborate with the County of Los Angeles and regional health organizations to improve access to mental healthcare, especially in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-5.2 Community input. Partner with the County and local health systems to gather community input on the city’s existing mental healthcare infrastructure to improve behavioral health services accordingly.
EHC-5.3 Preventive mental healthcare. Develop programs and services that improve wellbeing and help reduce stress and mental health issues, especially for vulnerable populations such as foster youth, at-risk youth, and older adults.
EHC-5.4 Homeless services coordination. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Homeless Services Authority to help residents currently or at risk of experiencing homelessness to access education, facilities, and health services.
EHC-5.5 Homelessness Coordinator. Consider creating a dedicated City staff position to function as a liaison with the County and Palmdale residents currently or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
EHC-5.6 Partnerships with local shelters. Continue to partner with local shelters to provide cots for emergency shelter situations, including extreme heat and cold days.
EHC-5.7 At-risk youth services. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services to support programs for at-risk youth and parents of at-risk youth, such as parent training programs, health and mental health resources, and youth transition programs.
EHC-5.8 Cooling centers. Coordinate with local agencies and organizations to establish centralized cooling centers during extreme heat days, and provide transportation to these facilities for older adults, disabled individuals, and other residents who may have transportation barriers.
EHC-6.1 Transit-oriented housing. Direct the location of senior and multi-family housing to high resource areas accessible to public transportation, supportive commercial uses, and community facilities.
EHC-6.2 Housing diversity. Encourage a variety of housing types developed at a range of densities to serve varying household types, including, but not limited to, single-family attached and detached, accessory dwelling units, multi-family apartments, townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, and condominiums.
EHC-6.3 ADA compliant housing. Facilitate housing for older adults, special needs groups, including the developmentally disabled, and non-traditional family groups by allowing a diverse range of housing configurations that are Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant and flexible.
EHC-6.4 Aging in place. Promote development of housing types that support multi-generational households and opportunities to age in place.
EHC-6.5 Resource families. Promote development of housing types that support resource families and meet the needs of foster youth and transition age youth.
EHC-6.6 Development review process. Periodically lead a comprehensive review of all steps in the development approval process to identify the factors that impede a variety of new residential construction, including affordable housing.
EHC-6.7 Streamlining housing development. Create a one-stop permitting shop that streamlines review of potential housing projects and makes it accessible and easy for applicants to get the answers they need.
EHC 6.8 Pre-application housing meetings. Encourage pre-application meetings with department staff to review potential projects and ensure consistency with the General Plan vision.
EHC-7.1 Affordable housing preservation. Preserve or replace units with expiring affordable housing subsidies.
EHC-7.2 Mobile home parks. Use regulatory and financial tools to make mobile home spaces permanently affordable.
EHC-7.3 Vacant and underutilized land. Identify vacant and underutilized land, including publicly owned land, suitable for affordable housing.
EHC-7.4 Affordability period. Require that all units developed under any of the City affordable housing programs remain affordable for the longest possible time or at least 30 years.
EHC-7.5 Affordable housing impact fee. Consider a program where new commercial and/or industrial developments pay a fee to fund affordable housing units.
EHC-7.6 Accessory dwelling units. Periodically update the City’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance to be consistent with State law. Consider providing permit ready ADU plans to residents.
EHC-7.7 Expedited permitting for affordable housing. Develop an expedited permitting program to support the creation of new affordable housing.
EHC-8.1 Housing rehabilitation. Consider a housing rehabilitation program that assists multi-family residential property owners in modernizing and maintaining units. For example, support efforts to upgrade affordable units with effective ventilation and insulation systems, and eliminate common home pollutants such as lead, asbestos, mold, and pests.
EHC-8.2 Code enforcement. Develop a community code enforcement partnership to ensure ongoing and effective health and safety code enforcement, with priority given to rental properties in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-8.3 Residential Rental Housing Inspection Program. Evaluate the existing Residential Rental Housing Inspection Program and develop measures to improve effectiveness.
EHC-8.4 Municipal code and healthy housing. Review, revise, and update the municipal and zoning code (as well as other relevant plans, procedures, regulations, guidelines, programs, and design manuals) as needed, to promote healthy housing quality. Regulations may include:
- Siting buildings to encourage walking and physical activity
- Designing internal staircases that are visually prominent and attractive
- Designing buildings to allow for high levels of natural light and air
- Limiting concentration of unhealthy uses in proximity to sensitive uses
- Providing safe linkages to parks, trails, schools, and recreation
- Providing on-site recreational facilities
- Using materials that are proven to avoid negative health impacts
EHC-9.1 Renter education and assistance. Connect low-income residents to City, County, State, and non-profit resources that provide technical, legal, and financial assistance for renters facing eviction.
EHC-9.2 Tenant protections. Consider developing a tenant protections plan, which may include a rent stabilization policy, just cause eviction and harassment protections, tenant and landlord mediation programs, right of first refusal, rental assistance, tenant legal counseling, and a rent board to implement the program.
EHC-9.3 Fair housing. Strictly enforce fair housing laws to protect residents from housing discrimination.
EHC-9.4 Mortgage assistance resources. Connect low-income residents at risk of foreclosure to county, state, and non-profit homeowner assistance programs.
EHC-9.5 Rapid rehousing. Continue to support the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program to support households who are at risk of becoming unhoused.
EHC-9.6 Permanent supportive housing. Implement the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Housing First program once permanent supportive housing is available in the city.
EHC-9.7 Limited-equity housing. Encourage resident controlled limited-equity ownership, such as limited-equity condominiums, limited-equity cooperatives, and community land trusts.
EHC-10.1 Near-universal access to recreation. Work toward a goal of having 90 percent of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance of a dedicated park, school, or multi-use trail.
EHC-10.2 Access to open space. Plan for new parks and increase access to existing and future parks, trails, and open spaces, especially in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-10.3 Recreational programs. Prioritize investments in recreational programs that focus on physical activity.
EHC-10.4 Community partnerships. Partner with community-based organizations to improve access to recreational opportunities that promote physical activity across the city, particularly in park-poor neighborhoods.
EHC-10.5 Fee waivers. Consider fee waivers for low-income families, such as families with children who participate in the National School Lunch Program, so that all residents have access to the City’s recreational programming.
EHC-11.1 Near-universal walk access to retail and services. Plan for 90 percent of residents (except for equestrian residential areas) to be within a 20-minute walking distance of a Village Center with retail and neighborhood services.
EHC-11.2 Complete Streets investments. Prioritize transportation system improvements that promote Complete Streets objectives, incorporate universal design principles, and encourage walking, biking, and transit use in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-11.3 Improve connectivity. Strive for a high level of connectivity of residents to Village Centers and neighborhood services through site design, open space linkages, and bicycle facilities. Integrate land use and transportation infrastructure to support a connected system of sidewalks, bikeways, greenways, and transit.
EHC-11.4 Streetscape enhancements. Enhance existing streetscapes to include greater sidewalk coverage, walkway connectivity, street trees and shade, street lighting, street crossing safety features, traffic calming measures, transit shelters, and other design elements, especially in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-11.5 Safe routes for older adults. Develop safe routes for aging adults, particularly routes to transit and shopping centers.
EHC-12.1 Tree planting. Plant street trees, identified within the City’s plant palette, throughout Palmdale, and especially in disadvantaged communities. Plant trees to provide shade and screening, especially along south and west facing sides of buildings.
EHC-12.2 City vehicle fleet. Transition the City’s vehicle fleet to lower-emission fuel technologies.
EHC-12.3 Truck routes. Designate truck routes to avoid sensitive land uses, where feasible.
EHC-12.4 Sensitive land uses. Avoid siting schools, daycare facilities, playgrounds, older adult housing, and housing near land uses that produce localized air pollution (e.g., SR-14, SR-138, and Plant 42). For sensitive land uses that cannot be sited at least 500 feet away from sources of localized air pollution, potential design mitigation options include:
- Provide residential units with individual heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to allow adequate ventilation with windows closed.
- Locate air intake systems for HVAC systems as far away from existing air pollution sources as possible.
- Use High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air filters in the HVAC system and develop a maintenance plan to ensure the filtering system is properly maintained.
- Use sound walls, berms, and vegetation as physical barriers.
- Notify new potential home buyers of risks from air pollution.
EHC-12.5 Air quality monitoring. Develop a citywide air quality monitoring program to identify areas with high gas, oil, and toxic chemical emissions, in addition to tracking changes over time, identifying polluters, and analyzing potential interventions.
EHC-12.6 Air quality planning. Participate in air quality planning efforts with local, regional, and state agencies that improve local air quality to protect human health and minimize the disproportionate impacts on sensitive population groups.
EHC-12.7 Toxic air emissions. Coordinate with regional, state, and federal agencies, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as large aerospace and industrial employers to decrease toxic chemical emissions. Proactively explore potential partnerships and interventions to decrease potential exposure of residents to these chemicals.
EHC-13.1 Smoke-free public space. Update the municipal code to require all City-owned public places, including outdoor facilities, to be smoke-free and vape-free to reduce exposure to second-hand smoke.
EHC-13.2 Smoke-free workplaces. Encourage employers to provide smoke-free and vape-free workplaces.
EHC-13.3 Smoke-free multifamily housing. Adopt an ordinance to transition all multi-family buildings into smoke-free and vape-free housing.
EHC-13.4 Smoking product retailers. Limit the sale of tobacco and other nicotine products in neighborhoods with a significant concentration of stores (e.g., multiple stores on the same block or intersection) and near child-sensitive areas, such as schools, parks, and daycare facilities. Consider distance requirements from sensitive uses.
EHC-13.5 Limit smoking advertisements. Encourage store owners to limit advertising for tobacco products.
EHC-13.6 Anti-smoking education. Coordinate with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and local community partners to continue educational campaigns regarding anti-smoking measures.
EHC-14.1 Near-universal walk access to healthy food retailers. Work toward a goal of having 90 percent of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance of a grocery store, farmers market, community garden, or other healthy food retailer.
EHC-14.2 Farmers markets. Partner with organizations to bring one (or more) weekly Certified Farmers Markets to Palmdale. Encourage future farmers markets to accept CalFresh Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards; Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) benefits; and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) benefits.
EHC-14.3 Grocery stores. Partner with developers and other stakeholders to bring full-service and affordable grocery stores to disadvantaged communities in Palmdale.
EHC-14.4 Corner store conversion. Utilize economic development incentives to encourage existing convenience stores, especially in disadvantaged communities, to expand inventory and to sell fresh, healthy foods such as produce. Assist convenience stores in modifying retail space with basic refrigeration and shelving to transform into economically viable healthy food retailers.
EHC-14.5 Other healthy food retail. Incentivize the location and expansion of new and existing small businesses that sell and/or serve healthy food options.
EHC-14.6 Fast food and liquor stores. Limit drive-through restaurants and off-sale alcohol beverage establishments—as defined in the municipal code—in neighborhoods with a significant concentration of stores (e.g., multiple stores on the same block or intersection) and child-sensitive areas, such as schools, parks, and childcare facilities.
EHC-14.7 Local food production. Strengthen the local economy by encouraging local food production, community gardens, and farmers markets on vacant or underutilized parcels.
EHC-14.8 Transit access to healthy food retailers. Improve ready access to healthy food retailers along key transit corridors and within transit-oriented developments. Work with local transit agencies to ensure that bus routes provide service from disadvantaged communities to healthy food retailers.
EHC-14.9. Food waste diversion. Partner with local grocery stores, restaurants, and other food retailers to divert food waste and donate extra food to local food banks, soup kitchens, and shelters.
EHC-15.1 Student nutrition education. Work with local school districts and other educational facilities to create or implement educational programs for children about healthy eating, such as edible schoolyards and healthy cooking classes.
EHC-15.2 Healthy food options. Require that City-funded events offering refreshments, also offer healthy food choices and water to participants.
EHC-15.3 Communications support. Help publicize small retailers and restaurants that sell and/or serve affordable and high-quality fruits and vegetables, including locally grown foods.
EHC-15.4 Nutrition education. Partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to develop food education programs, including culturally tailored messages, fruit and vegetable incentives, parenting skill classes, nutrition, and physical activity.
EHC-15.5 Gardening education. Partner with community-based organizations to provide gardening and composting classes citywide with an emphasis in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-16.1 Pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Strive for a safe transportation system by making transportation improvements in areas with a high incidence of collisions, injuries, and death, especially for pedestrians and bicyclists. Street improvements may include the following:
- Marked crosswalks
- Bicycle lanes
- Traffic calming
EHC-16.2 Coordination with Sheriff’s Department. Continue to coordinate with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for improvements to public safety.
EHC-16.3 Crime prevention through environmental design. Use Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies in new and existing development to improve public safety, including the following:
- Active public space
- Building design to promote “eyes on the street”
- Maintenance of public places
- Removal or repair of vandalism or broken property
EHC-16.4 Public realm lighting. Improve lighting and nighttime security across all city neighborhoods to prevent crime and increase safety.
EHC-16.5 Graffiti prevention. Continue to support the graffiti prevention team to remove graffiti from public property (including parks, street signs, sidewalks) or property adjacent to public rights-of-way.

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PR)
PR-3.1 Recreation education. Collaborate with community partners to expand healthy, and educational recreation programs and services for youth and families.
PR-3.2 Culturally sensitive programming. Provide culturally sensitive programming at various recreation facilities to serve the city’s diverse population.
PR-3.3 Shared school amenities. Work with local school districts to make campus recreation amenities (such as open grassy areas, basketball courts, baseball fields, gymnasiums, among others) available to surrounding neighborhoods and local sports leagues or organizations during off-school hours.
PR-3.4 Arts and culture programming. Work with local schools, non-profits, local organizations, and artists to increase arts and culture programming (such as such as performing arts and theater, visual arts, youth, and senior programs) throughout Palmdale.
PR-4.1 Incorporate parkland. Wherever feasible, incorporate uses that increase the public benefit of park land, and are compatible with the goal of providing active recreation opportunities.
PR-4.2 Non-traditional parks. Consider non-traditional types of parks to extend the range of recreational opportunities available within the city, including linear parks, neighborhood parks, and remodeling vacant buildings for indoor activities, among others.
PR-4.3 Public input. Seek public input on locations for and amenities in new neighborhood and community parks.
PR-4.4 Recreation, cultural and artistic opportunities. Continue to work with public and private entities to provide opportunities for recreational, cultural, and artistic activities within the community.
PR-4.5 Park site considerations. Account for physical, land use, and cost considerations when evaluating future park sites for acquisition or dedication.
PR-4.6 Dual purpose recreation. Explore options to provide public recreation access (i.e., walking or picnicking) to utility and or drainage basin areas as safety permits.

Conservation (CON)
CON-3.1 Reduce mineral resource extraction impacts. Reduce impacts to human and environmental health caused by mineral resource extraction including:
- Ground water contamination
- Removal or demise of sensitive Ecological Areas of flora and fauna
- Excessive noise or dust
CON-3.2 Land use buffers. Maintain buffers between mineral resource extraction areas and other sensitive land uses (i.e., residential, public, institutional, open space and parks, among others) to reduce unnecessary impacts while in operation.
CON-4.1 Mining reclamation plan. Require mining operators to establish a reclamation plan that indicates end users when mining operations cease and how the transition to new uses shall be implemented.
CON-4.2 Reclamation fund. Establish a use-based mechanism for mining operators to begin contributing to a reclamation fund annually to be used after operations cease.
CON-4.3 Plan remediation and restoration of sites. Plan for remediation and restoration of extraction sites after operations cease, including adequate areas for groundwater recharge.

Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure (PFSI)
PFSI-2.1 Response Times. Maintain existing or superior average response times for fire and police services as the City’s population expands.
PFSI-2.2 Fire Protection. Coordinate with and assist the Los Angeles County Fire Department in planning for future fire station sites in Palmdale and facilitate location and construction of fire stations in conjunction with other City facilities (such as parks or municipal buildings) where feasible.
PFSI-2.3 Service Level Expansion. Regularly assess the need for service level expansion for fire and police services as the City’s population expands.
PFSI-2.4 County Sheriff Coordination. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to ensure that service availability, resources, and staffing are appropriate for the community need.
PFSI-2.5 County Fire Coordination. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Fire Department to ensure that service availability, resources, and staffing are appropriate for the community need.
PFSI-2.6 Community Policing. Strengthen the relationship between law enforcement and the community by developing programs and initiatives focused on community policing.

Safety (SE)
SE-1.1 Geologic Review. Review development within or adjacent to geologic hazard zones and provide copies of geotechnical reports and studies to be reviewed by a qualified geologist and implement recommendations to ensure adequate provisions for public safety.
SE-1.2 California Building Code. Require appropriate structural setbacks from active fault rupture traces in accordance with Alquist-Priolo standards and continue to follow California Building Code.
SE-1.3 Utility Lines Design. Design utility lines crossing active fault traces to withstand the expected movement of the earth in these locations. Utility lines as defined here include, but are not to be limited to, electricity, water, internet, natural gas, and sewer.
SE-1.4 Essential Service Buildings Location. As feasible, ensure that essential services buildings are not located in geologic hazard zones.
SE-1.5 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Implement the policies and mitigation strategies outlined within the Palmdale Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.
SE-2.1 Critical Facilities. Prohibit new public or critical facilities in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, except when other options do not exist.
SE-2.2 Redevelopment Compliance. After a large fire, ensure that re-development located in the in the High and Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones complies with fire safety requirements for construction, accounting for any increased risk related to climate change.
SE-2.3 Wildland Development. Require that developments located in VHFSZ incorporate and enforce standards for construction, including a fuel modification program (i.e., brush clearance, planting of fire-retardant vegetation) to reduce the threat of wildfires, accounting for any increased risk related to climate change.
SE-2.4 Landscaped Buffer Zones. Provide fire-resistant landscaped buffer zones between high-risk fire hazard areas and urban development with fire clearance located on private land and maintained by the property owner(s).
SE-2.5 Maintain Firesafe Zones. Require property owners to clear brush and high fuel vegetation and maintain firesafe zones (a minimum distance of 30 feet from the structure or to the property line, whichever is closer) to reduce the risk of fires. For structures located within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, the required brush clearance distance is 200 feet from structures to the property line.
SE-2.6 Soils and Waterways. Evaluate soils and waterways for risks from flooding, water quality, and erosion to ensure that they are suitable to support redevelopment following a large fire.
SE-2.7 Emergency Access Routes for Wildfire Hazard Zones. Require all new development in or near designated wildfire hazard zones to identify multiple evacuation/emergency access routes and file with City.
SE-2.8 Los Angeles County Fire Department Coordination. Continue to coordinate with the Los Angeles County Fire Department to provide emergency evacuation support and address fire hazards.
SE-2.9 Development Requirements. As part of the city’s development review process, require that all new buildings and facilities comply with Los Angeles County, state, and federal regulatory standards such as the California Building and Fire Codes as well as other applicable fire safety standards and work with the Fire Department to ensure the provision of adequate fire stations, personnel, and equipment to meet the City’s needs over time.
SE-2.10 Water system requirements. Require all new development to be served by a water system that meets applicable fire flow requirements.
SE-2.11 Non-conforming Development. Require existing non-conforming development to comply with contemporary fire safe standards during a permit or entitlement process, in terms of road standards and vegetative hazard, and meet or exceed SRA Fire Safe Regulations.
SE-2.12 Fire Protection Plans. Require fire protection plans for all new development in the VHFSZ.
SE-2.13 Long-term Maintenance. Continue annual brush inspections and enforce clearance requirements on public and private property within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ), as dictated by CAL FIRE, in accordance with the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Fire Safe Regulations, California Building Standards Code, and Palmdale Municipal Code related to ongoing maintenance of vegetation clearance on public and private roads, roadside fuel reduction plan, and defensible space clearances (including fuel breaks).
SE-2.14 Water Evaluation. Evaluate the location and capacity of the City’s water supply availability to suppress wildfire as part of the City’s Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates.
SE-3.1 Hazardous Materials. Coordinate with the Los Angeles County Fire Department to maintain a list of hazardous waste generators that could affect City residents.
SE-3.2 Remediate Contaminated Sites. Continue to support and encourage state and county efforts to identify and remediate contaminated sites.
SE-3.3 Soil and Groundwater Cleanup. Require clean-up of soil and/or groundwater containing hazardous materials exceeding regulatory action levels to the satisfaction of the agency having jurisdiction prior to granting permits for new development.
SE-3.4 Hazardous Materials Transport. Require transport of hazardous materials along designated routes that minimize risks to the public and sensitive environmental areas and cooperate with regional agencies in developing and maintaining such routes.
SE-3.5 Review Development Near Hazardous Materials. Review proposed development in proximity to any existing or proposed facility that uses, stores, or transports large amounts of hazardous materials to ensure adequate mitigation of impacts related to hazardous materials (e.g., appropriate site design, setbacks, and buffering).
SE-3.6 Hazardous Waste Facility Compliance. Require all proposed hazardous waste facilities to comply with the City’s hazardous waste management plan and the Hazardous and Waste Facilities Section of the Palmdale Municipal Code.
SE-4.1 Floodplain Management Ordinance. Require development in designated flood hazard areas to meet standards outlined in the City’s Floodplain Management Ordinance and related criteria in the City’s Engineering Design Standards.
SE-4.2 Drainage Management Plan. Implement the City’s drainage management plan through the capital improvement program and development review process.
SE-4.3 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and Low Impact Development. Ensure that new development meets National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and associated Low Impact Development (LID) standards that limit peak runoff to pre-development rates.
SE-4.4 Recharge Areas. As appropriate, use open space and recreational areas to serve as floodplains that reduce downstream flooding and aid in groundwater recharge.
SE-4.5 Floodplains Value. Preserve and restore the natural and beneficial values served by floodplains to the extent feasible, consistent with public health, safety, and welfare.
SE-4.6 Localized Flooding. Address localized flooding east of SR-14, particularly near Amargosa Creek, Anaverde Creek, Little Rock Wash, and Big Rock Wash.
SE-6.1 Consistent development with Department of Defense. Require all development to be consistent with Department of Defense regulations as outlined in the Air Force Plant 42 Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone (AICUZ) Report and comply with applicable FAA regulations that affect development in the Accident Potential Zones.
SE-6.2 Linear corridor in Accident Potential Zones. Through the design review process, ensure that new buildings are located in a manner that will promote clear linear corridors through the developed area in any Accident Potential Zones.
SE-6.3 Evaluate incompatible land uses near the airport. Review and evaluate currently existing incompatible development within the low altitude overflight areas uses and determine the potential for redevelopment to convert those land uses to airport compatible uses.
SE-7.1 Maintain Emergency Evacuation Map. Maintain and, as necessary, update a map of designated emergency evacuation routes for various types of disasters (e.g., earthquake, wildfire, hazardous material release, dam failure) and disaster scenarios.
SE-7.2 Evacuation Route Information. Make information regarding emergency evacuation routes readily available to all city residents.
SE-7.3 Review Development Consistency. Review all new development for consistency with applicable evacuation plans and ensure access to at least two evacuation routes.
SE-7.4 Emergency Evacuation Evaluation. Continue to evaluate evacuation route capacity, safety, and viability under a range of emergency scenarios.
SE-7.5 Evacuation in VHFSZ and HFSZ. Require developers proposing development on properties within VHFSZ and HFSZ areas to evaluate and provide adequate evacuation routes.
SE-7.6 Assess Emergency Service Needs. Continue to assess current and projected emergency service needs, and goals or standards for emergency services training for City staff and volunteers as part of the City’s Emergency Operation Plan Updates.
SE-8.1 Emergency Operations Plan. Maintain and, as necessary, update the City’s Emergency Operations Plan.
SE-8.2 Annual Maintenance Review. Periodically, but not less than annually, review emergency service equipment and shelters to ensure that they are adequate to meet the needs of changing land uses and development types.
SE-8.3 Disaster Preparedness Training. Require City staff to undergo regular disaster preparedness training annually at minimum.
SE-8.4 Legible Signs. Require all residences and businesses to maintain visible and clearly legible signs and/or street numbers to shorten the response times of emergency personnel.
SE-8.5 Emergency Water. Promote the use of emergency water supplies or water filtration systems at point-of-delivery to ensure provision of acceptable water quality in emergency situations.
SE-9.1 Palmdale Municipal Code. Ensure safe and sanitary living and working conditions throughout the City and coordinate with other agencies, including but not limited to Los Angeles County Department of Health, Los Angeles County Fire Department, and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to maintain the goals, standards, resources, and training for enforcement and emergency services.
SE-9.2 Public Education. Continue and, as appropriate, update public education programs regarding response to hazards such as earthquakes, floods, hazardous material spills, and wildfire for residents, businesses, and schools.
SE-10.1 Crime Rate. Track the rates of crime in the community on an ongoing basis and reallocate resources as necessary to address crime-related issues of concern.
SE-10.2 Crime Statistics. Make up-to-date crime statistics readily available to the community via the City’s website or other media.
SE-10.3 Maximize Safety and Security. Through the development review process, ensure that sites are designed in order to maximize safety and security, considering such factors as visibility, lighting, emergency access, legibility of street numbers, and fencing.
SE-10.4 Adequate Lighting. Require all commercial and industrial developments to provide adequate lighting for buildings and parking areas as well as sufficient visibility for patrol vehicles to assist in law enforcement surveillance.
SE-10.5 Watch Group Education. Encourage the formation and continued education of neighborhood and business watch groups to assist in crime prevention and detection.
SE-10.6 Crime Prevention Efforts. Coordinate with local partners to encourage community-based crime prevention efforts.
SE-10.7 Safe Environment Programs. Promote after school, volunteer, and Business and Neighborhood Watch programs, and other innovative programs to help maintain a safe environment.
SE-10.8 Law Enforcement and Youth Interaction. Expand opportunities for positive law enforcement and youth interaction.

Sustainability, Climate Action, and Resilience (SCR)
SCR-6.1 Recycled Water. Increase municipal reuse of local recycled water. Support the efforts of the Palmdale Water District and the Joint Powers Authority (JPA) Palmdale Recycled Water Authority (PRWA) in its proof of concept and implementation of aquifer augmentation through advanced treatment of recycled water.
SCR-6.2 Water Efficiency Standards. Establish water efficiency standards that are more stringent than CALGreen and model water efficient landscape ordinance (MWELO).
SCR-6.3 Low-Water Use Plant List. Implement the City’s landscape plant list and use of low-water plants in new or renovated landscaped areas.
SCR-6.4 Rainwater Capture. Encourage rainwater capture and use of cisterns for outdoor watering purposes.
SCR-6.5 Greywater Permitting. Establish a streamlined permitting process for greywater systems.
SCR-8.1 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Build on the existing LHMP and acknowledge the LHMP in the General Plan per AB 2140.
SCR-8.2 Areas of Physical and Social Vulnerability. Focus investments on areas of high vulnerability, exposure, and sensitivity for both physical infrastructure and social communities.
SCR-8.3 Public Safety Power Shutoffs. Work with Southern California Edison (SCE) to minimize the impacts of Public Safety Power Shutoffs.
SCR-8.4 Resilience Features. Add resilience features to community facilities to provide basic services during disruptive events or disasters.
SCR-8.5 Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan. Create a pre-disaster recovery plan that sets up post-disaster policies and programs indicating which areas will be replanned and when, and that shows where and how rebuilding will occur.
SCR-8.6 Disaster Rebuilding and Recovery. Develop policies to ensure that housing units damaged during a natural disaster are repaired or replaced in ways that advance the policies, objectives, and actions of the General Plan.
SCR-8.7 Heat and wildfire mitigation. Develop policies and building standards that reduce the urban heat island effect and the risk and damage of wildfire such as:
- Encourage the use of high-albedo roofs and paving
- Incorporate more robust temperature and air quality controls in facility retrofits and designs
- Provide consolidated public messaging about wildfire preparation, evacuation, and communications avenues in multiple languages
- Encourage fire-wise landscaping including alternatives to wood fencing
- Require ember-resistant attic ventilation openings
- Encourage the installation of air filters to protect against indoor air quality impacts during wildfire smoke exposure events
- Identify and modify vulnerable infrastructure in high wildfire risk areas, such as replacing wooden utility poles or undergrounding utility lines.

Air Quality (AQ)
AQ 1-1 Reduced work-related trips. Reduce the number and length of work-related trips through such means as providing a balance of jobs and housing in the community, promoting alternate work schedules, telecommuting, teleconferencing, company-sponsored ride-share and alternative fuel vehicle programs, use of commuter trains and other alternative modes of transportation to the workplace, creation of additional park and ride facilities, and improving the fiber optic network and connectivity.
AQ 1-2 Reduced Non-Work Trips. Reduce motor vehicle non-work trips through such means as location of residences in proximity to shopping and recreation/entertainment destinations, transit system improvements, and promoting merchant transportation incentives, and distance learning.
AQ 1-3 Improve Traffic Flow. Reduce vehicle emissions by maintaining and improving traffic flow per the Mobility Element.
AQ 1-4 High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes. Coordinate with Caltrans to promote high occupancy vehicle lanes on SR-14.
AQ 1-5 Reduced Tailpipe Emissions. As technology allows, reduce tailpipe emissions from City vehicles by replacing them with alternative fuel vehicles and encourage reduction of emissions from private vehicles through such means as reducing parking requirements and providing preferential parking for alternative fuel vehicles and bicycles.
AQ 1-6 Airport Emissions Control. To the extent practicable, reduce emissions from the future Palmdale Regional Airport by purchasing renewable energy, installing airport renewable energy systems, reducing energy consumption, monitoring the efficiency of heating, ventilation, and colling systems, and purchasing low or zero emission vehicles and ground support equipment.
AQ 1-7 Expand Dial-A-Ride. Expand services of the existing dial-a-ride program, resulting in reduced need for automobiles and parking by seniors and those with disabilities.
AQ 1-8 Environmentally Review New Development. Use the environmental review process for new development applications to assess and, as necessary, mitigate the impacts of new development related to increased vehicle miles traveled.
AQ 1-9 Encourage transit and bike use. Provide incentives to residents who bike or use public transportation such as free or discounted public transit or employer-provided subsidies or reimbursements for residents willing to bike or use public transit.
AQ 1-10 Truck routes. Restrict freight to certain routes and times by adopting rules and regulations that prohibit the use of trucks in certain areas within Palmdale.
AQ 2-1 Vegetative Stabilization. Reduce roadway dust by requiring paving or vegetative stabilization of unpaved roads and parking lots.
AQ 2-2 Construction Site Requirements. Require measures at construction sites to prevent deposition of soil onto public right-of-way.
AQ 2-3 Natural Contours. Encourage developers to maintain natural contours to the greatest degree possible, to eliminate the need for extensive land clearing, blasting, ground excavation, grading and cut and fill operations.
AQ 2-4 Erosion and Dust Control Measures. Require erosion and dust control measures for new construction, including covering soil with straw mats or use of chemical soil and dust binders during site grading, followed by hydroseeding and watering disturbed construction areas as soon as possible after grading to prevent fugitive dust.
AQ 3-1 AVAQMD and Proven Technologies. Promote the AVAQMD program to encourage local entities to install public electric vehicle charging stations to offer incentivize residents to purchase electric vehicles (e.g., vehicle buy-back program), and the Carl Moyer program, which aims to improve the local air quality by funding local, cost-effective projects to upgrade heavy-duty equipment (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating greater than 14,000 lbs.) using proven technologies.
AQ 3-2 Eliminate Emissions. Promote the AVAQMD’s efforts to eliminate emissions from such sources as excessive car dealership cold starts, excessive curb idling, emissions from advertising vehicles, and emissions from leaf blowers, among others, through assisting with implementation and enforcement of AVAQMD programs and rules.
AQ 3-3 Complete Streets. Design a more effective street system by emphasizing complete streets which accommodate all modes of transportation.
AQ 3-4 Reduce Reactive Organic Gas. Reduce reactive organic gas (ROG) and particulate emissions from building materials and construction methods, by promoting the use of nonsolvent-based, high-solid, or water-based coatings, and requiring compliance with all pertinent AVAQMD rules.
AQ 3-5 Minimize Emissions. Minimize emissions of toxic air contaminants that contribute to climate change and ozone depletion, and that create potential health risks for residents, workers, and visitors.
AQ 3-6 Community Awareness. Promote community awareness of the effects of climate change and ozone depleting gases, as well as methods to minimize the creation of those gases, by preparing and distributing educational materials, and cooperating with AVAQMD in establishing regional programs.
AQ 3-7 Environmentally Review New Development Applications. Through the environmental review process for new development applications, ensure that emissions of toxic air contaminants are minimized and that any significant health effects associated with such contaminants are appropriately mitigated.
AQ 3-8 Green Technology Companies. Encourage non-polluting industry and clean green technology companies to locate in the city.
AQ 4-1 EPIC Participation. Encourage residents and business owners to participate in Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice (EPIC).
AQ 4-2 Energy Conservation. Encourage energy conservation from all sectors of the community by promoting and/or requiring the use of energy efficient appliances, processes, and equipment, and promoting energy audits and retrofits of existing structures.
AQ 4-3 Recycling. Require local government, Palmdale citizens, and local businesses and industries to recycle, as mandated by state law, and to otherwise recycle to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the requirements of the Palmdale Municipal Code.
AQ 4-4 Solar Energy. Require new developments to minimize obstruction of direct sunlight for solar energy systems on adjacent properties.

Noise (N)
N-1.1 Future Noise Levels. Use the state-recommended noise level guidelines shown in Figure 16.1 to determine the compatibility of proposed land uses with the existing and future noise environment of each proposed development site.
N-1.2 Restrict Land Uses. Restrict noise sensitive land uses near existing or future air, rail, or highway transportation noise sources unless mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the project to reduce the noise levels at the noise sensitive land use to less than 65 dBA CNEL at all exterior living spaces including but not limited to, single-family yards and multi-family patios, balconies, pool areas, cook-out areas and related private recreation areas.
N-1.3 Acoustical Analysis for Stationary Noise Sources. When proposed stationary noise sources could exceed an exterior noise level of 65 dBA CNEL at the property line or could impact future noise sensitive land uses, require preparation of an acoustical analysis and mitigation measures to reduce exterior noise levels to no more than 65 dBA CNEL at the property line.
N-1.4 Noise Abatement Strategies. Explore the use of noise abatement strategies such as natural barriers, sound walls, and other buffers to mitigate excessive noise.
N-1.5 Quiet Zones. Where deemed appropriate, restrict train horn noise by establishing quiet zones within Palmdale based on Train Horn Rule (49 CFR Part 222).
N-2.1 Extreme Noise Sources. Avoid locating new extreme noise sources adjacent to noise sensitive land uses unless mitigation measures can mitigate noise impacts to the sensitive uses.
N-2.2 Restrict Construction Activities. Restrict construction activities in the vicinity of sensitive receptors during the evening, early morning, and weekends and holidays.
N-2.3 Maintain Acceptable Noise Environments. Utilize any or all the following measures to maintain acceptable noise environments throughout the city:
- Control of noise at its source, including noise barriers and other muffling devices built into the noise source.
- Provision of buffer areas and/or wide setbacks between the noise source and other development.
- Reduction of densities, where practical, adjacent to the noise source (freeway, airport, railroad).
- Use of sound insulation, blank walls, double paned windows and other design or architectural techniques to reduce interior noise levels.
- Designation of appropriate land uses adjacent to known noise sources.
N-2.4 Acoustical Analysis for Noise Sensitive Land Uses. Where deemed appropriate based upon available information, require acoustical analysis and appropriate mitigation for noise-sensitive land uses proposed in areas that may be adversely impacted by significant intermittent noise sources. Such noise sources may include but not be limited to railroads, racetracks, stadiums, aircraft overflights and similar uses.
N-2.5 High Speed Rail and Palmdale Airport. As necessary, participate in future planning for the High-Speed Rail and the Palmdale Airport expansion to ensure that neither facility creates noise conditions that adversely affect residents, businesses, or visitors.
N-3.1 Frequent Overflight Area. Designate and permit employment flex, industrial, aerospace industrial, and similar uses within the 65 dBA CNEL contour and the Frequent Overflight Area.
N-3.2 Areas Within 65 dBA CNEL. Restrict noise sensitive land uses (such as residential uses, religious institutions, schools, assisted living facilities, or similar uses) within areas designated within both the 65 dBA CNEL contour and the Frequent Overflight Area, unless mitigation measures prevent adverse health impacts from high noise emissions.
N-3.3 Areas Outside 65 dBA CNEL. In areas outside of the 65 dBA CNEL contours but within the Frequent Overflight Area, encourage land uses that are not noise-sensitive, to the extent feasible.
N-3.4 Require Disclosure Statement. Through the development review process, require a disclosure statement indicating that the property is subject to frequent overflight and aircraft noise upon sale of property within the Accident Potential Zone (APZ) and Air Installations Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ).
N-3.5 Aviation Easement. Through conditions of approval, require that any owner of property within the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour or the low altitude overflight area of Plant 42 seeking a land use action from the City to provide an aviation easement to the Los Angeles Department of Airports, the U.S. Air Force, and the City of Palmdale.
N-4.1 Coordinate with Caltrans. Coordinate with Caltrans to implement noise mitigation measures, such as sound barrier walls, in the design, improvement, or expansion of freeways and major roadways.
N-4.2 Assess Noise Environment in Residential Areas. Regularly assess the noise environment in residential areas related to heavy vehicle traffic to determine if adjustments should be made to transportation routes.
N-4.3 Insulate Sensitive Receivers. Implement traffic calming and traffic diversion measures across the City to insulate sensitive land uses from freeway and roadway noise.
N-4.4 Protect Disadvantaged Community Members. Prohibit new high noise generating uses in disadvantaged communities, as feasible.