Unified and Welcoming Community
The Vision theme, A Unified And Welcoming Community That We’re Proud To Live In, and accompanying guiding principles are implemented through the following goals and policies in the Land Use and Community Design, Equitable and Healthy Communities, Parks, Recreation, and Open Space, Conservation, and Sustainability, Climate Action, and Resilience Elements. These goals and policies promote principles that respect and promote diversity, promote Palmdale’s reputation in the region, boost community beautification, offer opportunities to youth to stay in Palmdale, and enhance partnerships with surrounding communities in the Antelope Valley.
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Selected Goals and Policies
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Land Use and Community Design (LUD)
LUD-8.1 Arts and Cultural Programming. Expand arts and cultural programming in public spaces, building off the existing Public Art Master Plan.
LUD-8.2 Arts and Gathering Spaces. Encourage new development, especially along Palmdale Boulevard and Avenue Q to incorporate public art in public plazas, seating, and gathering spaces along or near these corridors.
LUD-8.3 Art Priorities. Prioritize art funds from CIP projects to major public gathering spaces, such as parks, public plazas, and along major corridors such as East Avenue Q and Palmdale Boulevard.
LUD-8.4 Art Spaces. Actively encourage affordable arts spaces through use classifications in the zoning code and streamlined permitting in the Light Industrial and Employment Flex zones.

Equitable and Healthy Communities (EHC)
EHC-3.1 Strengthening community partnerships. Encourage continuous participation in City planning processes, especially targeting hard-to-reach populations, including developing partnerships with local community-based organizations and faith-based institutions to help facilitate conversations.
EHC-3.2 Communication and transparency. Regularly monitor key milestones of investments in disadvantaged communities and provide regular updates via City communication channels and networks.
EHC-3.3 Equity Committee. Consider the creation of a Palmdale Equity Committee to provide guidance on equity-related topics in City governance.
EHC-3.4 Youth Council. Create a Palmdale Youth Council to participate in City governance and share in decision-making around issues impacting youth.
EHC-3.5 Reduce barriers to participation. Address barriers to civic participation at all public meetings by scheduling them at times convenient for residents and by providing transportation options, childcare services, and healthy food options at meetings.
EHC-3.6 Language accessibility. Provide multilingual interpretation at all public meetings, translate all meeting materials into Spanish and, by request, into other spoken and visual languages.
EHC-3.7 Virtual participation. Continue to make public hearings and meetings available virtually to expand community participation.

Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PR)
PR-3.1 Recreation education. Collaborate with community partners to expand healthy, and educational recreation programs and services for youth and families.
PR-3.2 Culturally sensitive programming. Provide culturally sensitive programming at various recreation facilities to serve the city’s diverse population.
PR-3.3 Shared school amenities. Work with local school districts to make campus recreation amenities (such as open grassy areas, basketball courts, baseball fields, gymnasiums, among others) available to surrounding neighborhoods and local sports leagues or organizations during off-school hours.
PR-3.4 Arts and culture programming. Work with local schools, non-profits, local organizations, and artists to increase arts and culture programming (such as such as performing arts and theater, visual arts, youth, and senior programs) throughout Palmdale.

Conservation (CON)
CON-9.1 Design elements. Promote use of design elements, which reflect the various periods of history and settlement in Palmdale.
CON-9.2 Locally relevant community design. Community design should reflect the community’s roots, rather than simulating historic periods or events, which did not occur in the Antelope Valley.
CON-9.3 Locally appropriate landscape design. Preserve the natural heritage of the region through landscape design by ensuring the local stock of native trees and vegetation is replenished and protected.

Sustainability, Climate Action, and Resilience (SCR)
SCR-9.1 Integration of Sustainability. Integrate environmental and sustainability issues into City decision-making processes, operations, community activities, and criteria in budgeting and prioritization efforts through a “triple bottom line” approach.
SCR-9.2 Acknowledge Indigenous History. Acknowledge and celebrate the Indigenous history and tradition of the area now known as Palmdale.
SCR-9.3 Raise Awareness about Natural Systems. Provide interpretive displays and other information on natural systems at parks, nature centers, and trailheads.