Plan Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Palmdale 2045 General Plan, including the General Plan Update process and how the document can be used.

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In late 2018, the City of Palmdale initiated a multi-year effort to update their General Plan (Palmdale 2045) and conduct the environmental review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Desert landscape at dusk.

The goal of Palmdale 2045 is to provide decision-makers, City staff, and the community with a General Plan that aligns with community values and is responsive to market opportunities. The General Plan update is an opportunity for the City to position itself for success over the next 20-plus years by responding to anticipated changes, capitalizing on regional infrastructure investments, and recent State legislation. This General Plan offers the City a roadmap to identify strategies for enhancing community character and quality of life, expanding economic development opportunities, managing growth, addressing impacts of climate change, and improving outcomes for public health and sustainability.

What is a General Plan?

A General Plan is a city policy document required by state law that provides a “long term, comprehensive, integrated, internally consistent and compatible statement” of goals and policies that reflect local conditions and community vision. The law requires that a General Plan address the following nine mandatory subject areas, or “elements”:

Land use
The land use element identifies the location and intensity of land uses throughout the City.
This element plans for the transportation system including roadways, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities; it can also address sewer, gas, water, and other infrastructure conveyance systems.
This element guides the use and conservation of natural resources such as soils, wildlife, water, energy, and historic resources.
Open Space
The open space element identifies parks and open space throughout the City.
The housing element seeks to accommodate housing needs for all incomes, groups with disabilities, and unhoused populations.
This element seeks to limit the community’s exposure to excessive noise.
Air Quality
This element addresses topics related to regional and local air quality.
The safety element seeks to reduce the risk of death, injuries, property damage, and economic and social dislocation from natural and human-made hazards.
Environmental Justice
This element identifies disadvantaged communities within the City and seeks to promote resident engagement in the process, mitigate unique or compounded health risks, and identify priority improvements and needs.

Purpose of the
General Plan

The purpose of Palmdale 2045 is to serve as the blueprint for the City’s vision. The General Plan is the primary legal document that identifies and guides long-term growth, development, and decision-making in the City. The process is strongly anchored in community input and articulates specific steps to guide future land use and planning. The information contained in the individual sections or Elements that comprise this General Plan will shape the physical development of the City. As such, Palmdale 2045 will serve to inform residents, developers, decision-makers, and other cities of the ground rules for development within the City.

Cover of Palmdale 2045 General Plan


Plan Implementation & Maintenance

The Palmdale 2045 General Plan will be implemented over an extended period (20+ years, with a time horizon of 2045). During this time, the long-range planning efforts for Palmdale will continue using the goals and policies as a guide. However, a General Plan is a living document, and presents the outcomes desired by the community based on current goals and local conditions. As the City grows and changes, it may become necessary to amend specific policies and implementation actions as economic and demographic conditions change and while new ideas about growth and conservation are formed.

California Government Code requires that the planning agency “render an annual report to the legislative body (City Council) on the status of the Plan and the progress in its implementation” (Section 65400(b)). State law further requires that the Housing Element be reviewed and updated at least once every eight years.

As part of this annual review, the City will consider progress in the context of the indicators presented within this General Plan. Similarly, each year, the Planning Commission must review the Capital Improvements Program to ensure the planned infrastructure investments are consistent with this General Plan. State Law also encourages annual reviews of implementation actions and recommends that the entire General Plan be thoroughly reviewed every five years to ensure it is still consistent with the community’s goals.

Community members, neighborhood groups and local organizations are encouraged to get involved in the on-going planning efforts of the City and to participate in the implementation of the General Plan. By active, thoughtful involvement, residents can be part of the process of shaping and growing Palmdale to make it an active, prosperous, and welcoming City place to live, work, and raise a family.

Any part of a General Plan may be amended to accommodate changing conditions. Property owners, developers, the Planning Commission, the City Council, or City staff may propose amendments. The Planning Commission and the City Council must review any proposed changes at public hearings and the potential of environmental impacts must be evaluated in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act.

Air Quality

OUTCOME: Improved air quality for all residents.


  • Improved air quality with increased landscaping and trees.


  • Expanded tree canopy, especially in disadvantaged communities.



  • Reduced exposure to toxic air pollution from industrial facilities.


  • Increase in the percentage of housing units, especially in disadvantaged communities, with air pollution reduction features and other measures that eliminate pollutants.
  • Reduce smoking in public outdoor places in accordance with Ordinance No. 1580 and/or Ordinance No. 1571.
Health & Quality of Life

OUTCOME: Improved health and quality of life, and lower rates of chronic diseases, among all residents.


  • Greater opportunities for physical activity.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance from a dedicated public park, school, or multi-use trail.



  • Improved access to healthy food.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance of a grocery store, farmers market, community garden, or other healthy food retailer.

OUTCOME: Diverse housing options including mixed-use and affordable options, for existing and future residents.


  • Diversified housing stock in Palmdale.


  • Substantial increase in new multifamily housing units by 2045, 20% of which are affordable to families earning less than 80% of the area median income.
Equitable Economy

OUTCOME: An equitable local economy that provides career pathways and economic opportunities for existing residents, especially local youth.


  • Expanded economic opportunities for existing residents.


  • Increase in the number of youths who participate in job training programs and are connected to employment opportunities in local industries.
Vision Themes and Guiding Principles

Described below are values and direction for Palmdale 2045, set forth by the Palmdale community that chart a course for the future of the City. Vision themes paint a picture of what Palmdale will look like in the future, serving as a foundation for policies and implementation actions. While guiding principles provide further details on a vision theme and serve as a framework for future decision making. Together, the vision themes and guiding principles establish the basis for each element of Palmdale 2045, reflecting the unique needs and priorities for Palmdale residents. Through an extensive community engagement process, the vision themes and guiding principles were vetted by the community; initially prepared with input from the Palmdale General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), community members, and later confirmed by the Planning Commission and City Council.