Process and Community Engagement

This chapter provides an overview of the Palmdale 2045 General Plan Update process and descriptions of the extensive community engagement that took place between 2019 and 2022.

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General Plan Update Process

The General Plan update occurred over a four-year effort between early 2019 and late 2022. The General Plan update process included six major phases, as illustrated below: 1) Discovery; 2) Visioning; 3) Alternatives; 4) Preferred Alternative and Policy Development; 5) Plan Development; and 6) Review and Adoption. Each phase of the process included community engagement activities.

Graphic depicting the phases of the project beginning with discovery, following with, visioning, alternatives, preferred alternatives and policy development, plan development, and review and adopt.

Engagement Objectives

At the beginning of the General Plan update process, the General Plan Team developed a Public Participation Plan, which outlined the types and timing of engagement activities. The Plan also identified the overall objective of the engagement program. These objectives are listed adjacently.

Inform and educate the community about the General Plan process.

Achieve high levels of participation from the Palmdale community.

Engage residents and businesses for the long term.

Engage a diverse cross section of the community.

Engagement Activities

Palmdale 2045’s vision was developed through community engagement. In-person interactions at traditional and pop-up workshop events, newsletters, and a variety of online activities, took place over the course of the four-year Plan update process. The diversity of activities was based on the recognition that each person might want to participate in the process in a different way.

It is important to note that the COVID-19 Pandemic occurred during the update process. From 2019 through March 2020, all General Plan activities were held both in-person and online. In response to State and local public health guidance regarding the COVID-19 virus, all engagement activities were held virtually from March 2020 through August 2021. While final community engagement activities were held in-person from July-September 2022.

Palmdale 2045’s vision was developed through community engagement. In-person interactions at traditional and pop-up workshop events, newsletters, and a variety of online activities, took place over the course of the four-year Plan update process. The diversity of activities was based on the recognition that each person might want to participate in the process in a different way.

It is important to note that the COVID-19 Pandemic occurred during the update process. From 2019 through March 2020, all General Plan activities were held both in-person and online. In response to State and local public health guidance regarding the COVID-19 virus, all engagement activities were held virtually from March 2020 through August 2021. While final community engagement activities were held in-person from July-September 2022.

These engagement activities included: 4 community workshops, a scoping meeting for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), 2 pop-up workshops, 3 community surveys, 18 General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) meetings, 3 stakeholder focus groups, 1 economic development focus group, a project website, and many additional outreach activities. These additional activities include: social media posts through the City’s existing social media platforms, Palmdale Minute weekly video segments in English and Spanish, virtual meeting recordings beginning in March 2020 available on a dedicated YouTube channel, and an email mailing list with over 1,500 subscribers used to inform the community of upcoming engagement activities.

Air Quality

OUTCOME: Improved air quality for all residents.


  • Improved air quality with increased landscaping and trees.


  • Expanded tree canopy, especially in disadvantaged communities.



  • Reduced exposure to toxic air pollution from industrial facilities.


  • Increase in the percentage of housing units, especially in disadvantaged communities, with air pollution reduction features and other measures that eliminate pollutants.
  • Reduce smoking in public outdoor places in accordance with Ordinance No. 1580 and/or Ordinance No. 1571.
Health & Quality of Life

OUTCOME: Improved health and quality of life, and lower rates of chronic diseases, among all residents.


  • Greater opportunities for physical activity.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance from a dedicated public park, school, or multi-use trail.



  • Improved access to healthy food.


  • Increase in the proportion of residents living within a 20-minute walking distance of a grocery store, farmers market, community garden, or other healthy food retailer.

OUTCOME: Diverse housing options including mixed-use and affordable options, for existing and future residents.


  • Diversified housing stock in Palmdale.


  • Substantial increase in new multifamily housing units by 2045, 20% of which are affordable to families earning less than 80% of the area median income.
Equitable Economy

OUTCOME: An equitable local economy that provides career pathways and economic opportunities for existing residents, especially local youth.


  • Expanded economic opportunities for existing residents.


  • Increase in the number of youths who participate in job training programs and are connected to employment opportunities in local industries.
Vision Themes and Guiding Principles

Described below are values and direction for Palmdale 2045, set forth by the Palmdale community that chart a course for the future of the City. Vision themes paint a picture of what Palmdale will look like in the future, serving as a foundation for policies and implementation actions. While guiding principles provide further details on a vision theme and serve as a framework for future decision making. Together, the vision themes and guiding principles establish the basis for each element of Palmdale 2045, reflecting the unique needs and priorities for Palmdale residents. Through an extensive community engagement process, the vision themes and guiding principles were vetted by the community; initially prepared with input from the Palmdale General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC), community members, and later confirmed by the Planning Commission and City Council.