The Vision theme, High Quality And Accessible Educational Opportunities, and accompanying guiding principles are implemented through the following goals and policies in the Land Use and Community Design, Economic Development, Military Compatibility, Equitable and Healthy Communities, and Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure Elements. These goals and policies are related to promoting and expanding higher education opportunities in Palmdale along with expanding partnerships and programs with public school, local governments, and major employers within the City. Additionally, some goals promote opportunities for high-quality childcare and early education.
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Selected Goals and Policies
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Land Use and Community Design (LUD)
LUD-13.1 Educational Focus. Attract a mix of educational uses like trade schools, public and private higher education facilities, and satellite campuses in the Educational Flex land use designation.
LUD-13.2 Appropriate Secondary Uses. Allow and encourage supportive retail, offices, and housing. This may include student or teacher housing, group housing, administrative or research offices, restaurants/cafes, boutiques, banks, personal services, and similar uses.
LUD-13.3 New Institution. Seek to attract a new major higher education institution (such as a nursing school or technical/vocational academy).
LUD-13.4 Locations. Encourage the formation of two education districts:
Near Antelope Valley College Palmdale Center and Palmdale High School (Palmdale Boulevard and 25th Street East); and,
In the vacant area on the northwest corner of Palmdale Boulevard and 47th Street East
LUD-13.5 District Design. Develop an attractive campus-like setting, prioritizing pedestrian and bicycle mobility and providing public open spaces at regular intervals.
LUD-13.6 Educational District Design Guidelines. Enable the creation of uniquely walkable and active educational centers by encouraging adherence to the following guidance:
- Prioritize how educational and supportive uses integrate with the surrounding neighborhood.
- Education Districts should be anchored with major academic institutions to create vibrant, mixed-use destinations.
- The district should be configured in an urban format of walkable blocks, attractive streetscapes, and buildings close the sidewalk edge, though there may be a row of surface parking and landscaping between the buildings and the sidewalk.
- District streets should be connected to neighborhood streets to provide convenient access for nearby residents as well as motorists dropping off students.
- Parks and athletic facilities should be accessible and usable by the public.

Economic Development (ED)
ED-3.1 Higher education. Promote and expand higher educational opportunities in Palmdale.
ED-3.2 Workforce training. Support additional trade school training and apprenticeship programs for key growth industries for youth and local workforce.
ED-3.3 Childcare and early education. Promote opportunities for affordable, high-quality childcare and workforce-related early education.
ED-3.4 Workforce programs. Expand partnerships and workforce programs with public schools, vocational schools, community colleges, and major employers within Palmdale.
ED-3.5 Job matching. Connect residents with job opportunities in aerospace and other emerging sectors.

Military Compatibility (MC)
MC-6.1 Plant 42 Disaster Preparation. Prepare residents in case of an industrial accident or release of hazardous materials at Plant 42; distribute instructions/information to the public on actions to take if an incident occurs.
MC-6.2 Plant 42 Public Education. Participate in Plant 42 public education programs regarding missions and impacts associated with military aviation operations to increase public awareness.
MC-6.3 Military Liaison. Designate a military liaison function within the City to exchange information between the City and Plant 42 on issues of mutual concern including, but not limited to:
- Early notification of development projects near Plant 42,
- Early notification to the City of potential changes in aircraft operations (flight patterns, operational tempo, etc.),
- Housing, recreation, and other issues related to Plant 42 personnel living in the City,
- Track legislative impacts to the area.

Equitable and Healthy Communities (EHC)
EHC-1.1 Equitable investments. Prioritize public infrastructure and facilities investments and develop incentives to promote private development investment in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-1.2 Community benefits agreements. Develop a community benefits agreement for major private development projects, which may include affordable housing, job training funds, housing assistance, payment of parks and recreation fees or installation of amenities onsite and/or local hiring.
EHC-1.3 Equity impact assessments. Regularly evaluate the impact of public infrastructure, facilities, and program investments, such as through equity impact assessments, to ensure equitable distribution of public resources across Palmdale.
EHC-1.4 Small business development. Foster small business development with educational resources (e.g., funding sources, mentorship programs, etc.), permitting information, and services that can promote long term success in the city.
EHC-1.5 Small business funding. Consider establishing funding for small business grants that prioritize low-income, women-owned, minority-owned, and/or LGBTQ-owned small businesses.
EHC-1.6 Career pathways. Work with interested organizations and residents to create a youth job development partnership – connecting local businesses to youth for after school and summer work, volunteer positions, mentorship opportunities, and other skills development opportunities.
EHC-1.7 Services coordination. Actively encourage the provision of public and private employment training, rental assistance, financial training, and other supportive services in multiple languages to enable households to be self-sufficient.
EHC-1.8 Internet Access. Offer free high-speed Wi-Fi inside and outside of all City-owned facilities, especially in disadvantaged communities.
EHC-1.9 Bridging the digital divide. Ensure all homes and businesses in the city have access to a fiber optic internet connection.
EHC-2.1 Education districts. Create two education districts in locations that are well-served by transit:
- Near Antelope Valley College Palmdale Center and Palmdale High School (Palmdale Boulevard and 25th Street East); and,
- In the vacant area on the northern side of Palmdale Boulevard and 47th Street East.
EHC-2.2 Educational uses. Attract a mix of educational uses such as public and private higher education facilities, satellite campuses, trade schools, along with supporting uses like retail and housing in the Educational Flex land use designation.
EHC-2.3 Higher education institution. Attract a new major higher education institution.
EHC-2.4 Access to public facilities. Maintain and expand access to education-related public facilities and services, including schools, libraries, and recreational spaces, to better support communities.
EHC-2.5 Daycare facilities. Promote opportunities for new affordable daycare, childcare, and pre-K facilities in Village Centers, and encourage these supporting uses in the Educational Flex land use designation.
EHC-15.1 Student nutrition education. Work with local school districts and other educational facilities to create or implement educational programs for children about healthy eating, such as edible schoolyards and healthy cooking classes.
EHC-15.2 Healthy food options. Require that City-funded events offering refreshments, also offer healthy food choices and water to participants.
EHC-15.3 Communications support. Help publicize small retailers and restaurants that sell and/or serve affordable and high-quality fruits and vegetables, including locally grown foods.
EHC-15.4 Nutrition education. Partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health to develop food education programs, including culturally tailored messages, fruit and vegetable incentives, parenting skill classes, nutrition, and physical activity.
EHC-15.5 Gardening education. Partner with community-based organizations to provide gardening and composting classes citywide with an emphasis in disadvantaged communities.

Public Facilities, Services, and Infrastructure (PFSI)
PFSI-1.1 Community Facilities Master Plan. Prepare a citywide master plan for community facilities that addresses existing and future facilities and equitable access. Include evaluation of existing facilities, need for new or expanded facilities and potential locations, and a funding plan.
PFSI-1.2 Accessibility. Promote accessibility for all residents within City facilities by meeting ADA guidelines and expanding language resources when feasible.
PFSI-1.3 Expand Public Facilities. Expand public facilities, recreation, and library facilities to underserved areas as needed, including the areas west of SR-14.
PFSI-1.4 Access to Library Services. Consider expanding library services to include branch locations in Village Centers (including retail centers), Education Districts, near public parks, and other similar settings to provide access to residents across Palmdale.
PFSI-1.5 Pursue Funding. Pursue federal and state funding sources to utilize in the expansion and enhancement of local public facilities, especially in underserved areas.
PFSI-1.6 Rehabilitate Facilities. Rehabilitate City-owned public facilities using the most innovative technologies and best practices available to ensure long term efficacy.
PFSI-1.7 City Facility Efficiency. Install energy efficient lighting and promote energy conservation practices in all city-owned facilities.
PFSI-1.8 Public Facilities Adequacy. Assess deficiencies in public facilities and address identified issues when feasible.
PFSI-1.9 Higher Education Facilities. Attract, encourage, and support the development of higher education facilities, trade and vocational training in areas within the Education District land use designation.
PFSI-1.10 Private Educational Facilities. In order to encourage development of educational facilities, permit development of private educational facilities that are found to meet the general educational needs of the community within residentially designated districts.